
2+2 Does Not Always Equal 4

2+2 Does Not Always Equal 4

I'm an educated person, I believe you are too. If I ask you what 2+2 equals, you know the answer mathematically. But when giving golf lessons in Orlando at Falcon’s Fire Golf Club, or at The McLemore in Lookout Mountain, GA, 2+2 does not always equal 4.  It’s...

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Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving 2021 As we enter into the holiday season, its time to make share what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving 2021.  Each year, I reflect upon the 12 previous months and provide some thankful thoughts about what has truly been a thankful year. ...

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5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice

5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice

Data from FlightScope and other data collection platforms show the most common ball flight among amateur golfers is a slice.  I estimate almost 75% of my new clients ask me to help them fix their slice. Over the years, I've found 5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice. ...

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Impact Position – Working the “9 to 3” Shift

Impact Position – Working the “9 to 3” Shift

Impact Position Working the "9 to 3 Shift" as You Practice A great Impact Position is a feeling to behold at all skill levels.  It's the nirvana all golfers constantly search for.  Yet, when a client comes to me in search of a great impact position, they'll inevitably...

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Conservative Aggression

Conservative Aggression

Conservative Aggression Chances are you think of the term "conservative aggression" as a strategy you might use to invest in the stock market. Or a strategy you use at the health club when exercising.. You'll be conservative with your choices of stocks or exercise but...

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