June is Update Month It has been one of those months that keeps me busy as well as has me thinking forward. June is Update Month. With golf school season over, it is time to start kick starting the new season now, at least for me. So I thought I would give everyone a sneak peak at a couple things I work on each summer. Jack My son Jack spends quite a bit of time with me each summer. Three years ago, he decided he wanted to try his hand at tournament golf. It has been a slow endeavor for Jack, but that is okay with me. It is his decision to play, not mine, so Dad takes a back seat to the trials and tribulations of a young man learning the small lessons golf teaches us all. I am proud to say that I have given Jack only two lessons; both was when he asked a question after trying to figure out the answer himself. His first question came at the age of 4, “Dad, how can I hold the club to hit it farther?” We made some adjustments that day so he could square the club a bit more readily at impact. His other question, “Dad, why does the ball go that way?” That question came not too long after the first one. We made some adjustments that day to help him understand alignment. And because he is here again spending time with me during June is Update…