Patience I remember as a child my parents, my grandparents, and my great grandparents telling me that “Patience is a Virtue.” The statement and application of this sage wisdom related to my maturity at that time, or lack there of. As I have aged, this adage takes on new meaning everyday, especially when it comes to golf and the patience level it takes, at multiple levels, to obtain the sustained skill sets you desire. The past few weeks I have taught a variety of age groups and skill levels. The one consistent theme I have seen within everyone I have assisted is patience. I was even asked by a client before he ever made a swing, “John, what is patience in my golf swing; can you help me with that today” Sometimes I get the best Blog Theme ideas from moments like this. So let’s explore what “Patience” means in a golf swing and provide you a couple of ideas to help you with creating better Patience you with your game. Do You Have the Patience to Make a “Swing?” You can define Patience within your swing multiple ways. As you complete every stroke you take, there is a question you can ask yourself to determine if you swung the club with patience, “Did I experience an impact position that allowed for maximum distance, my desired ball flight, and allowed my swing to feel effortless?” Based on this question alone, not many people make patient golf swings. Your impatient swings…