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Breaking 100, John Hughes Golf, Florida Golf School Vacation, McLemore Resort

We’ve all been there at some point in our golf careers. Staring at the scorecard on the 18th green. Hating the triple-digit number staring back at you, laughing at you. It’s not fun to score 100 or more when you play golf. But there is a way you can break 100, sooner than later. Which is why I decided this spring to provide you with a series of blog posts that are solely about you and your abilities to breaking 100 in golf. Even if you do not plan a Florida Golf School vacation with John Hughes Golf to learn to break 100, this blog post series should shed some light on how to do so. This series is not about becoming a tour professional. Or winning a club championship. It’s about you playing smarter with skills you currently possess. And limiting big mistakes that cause big numbers on the scorecard. It’s also about leaving your big ego at the door of the car you drove to the golf course. If you can’t leave it there, the suggestions provided you within this series have no chance to succeed. March 2024/Part 1: Mindset Matters The first step to breaking 100 in golf is re-framing how you think about golf. And how you play golf. Breaking 100 isn’t about making birdies or pars. It’s about eliminating “big numbers.” Playing any golf course that is rated a Par 72, if you score 27 over par, the simple math is you break 100, shooting…

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