Good Miss

Playing Your Good Misses, John Hughes Golf, Florida Golf School Vacations, Best golf schools in Florida

If you’re a regular client of mine you’ve heard this statement quite a bit. Particularly out on the golf course. And if you’re a Florida Golf School Vacations client within any of our golf school programs, get ready to hear this phrase a lot. “Great miss!” Playing your good miss is the key to reducing scores and enjoying the game even more. Playing your great miss is an absolute if you intend to reach your potential as a gofer. Ask any touring professional, and they’ll tell you most all shots they attempt are not perfect. And do not produce the exact outcome they were intending. Tour professionals hit 1 or 2 shots per round they qualify as being perfect. Therefore, the remainder of all their strokes are misses. Their misses are great, in comparison to yours. That’s why I thought we’d explore the phrase play your good miss, within this month’s blog post. What is a Good Miss? A good miss is any golf shot that produces a result that does three things. First, a good miss keeps you in play. Second, a good miss advances the golf ball as far as it can considering the impact conditions presented when the club strikes the ball. And third, a good miss allows you an opportunity to not add additional strokes to your score. Keeping those 3 elements in mind, go back and review your last 5 to 6, 18-hole rounds of golf in your mind. Be objective when conducting your evaluation. …

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