Delay Impact

Delay Impact, John Hughes Golf, March 2023 Blog Post, Callaway Golf, FlightScope, McLemore

For any golfer, it’s important to delay impact position. And how do you get that done? At all of the golf schools in Florida me and my team conduct, we emphasize the importance of have a strong impact position. And coaching a golfer into a stronger impact position often includes coaching the golfer into feeling what delaying at impact should feel like. What is Delaying Impact? Delaying impact simply means, that you’re not releasing the club earlier than needed. Often, less skilled players tend to release the club very early in their downswing. Doing so releases the energy you need to transfer to the golf ball. If this release happens prior to the club meeting the golf ball, it means less compression on the ball, and in turn less distance the ball will travel. Making an early release in the downswing can also change the direction the club is taking to the ball. As well as where the club face might or might not be at impact. Both of which greatly influencing how the the trajectory and the direction the golf ball will travel. Delaying impact is essential to hit the ball straighter and further. And it’s all about finding a way to hold on to the momentum the club is carrying as you swing the club to and through the golf ball. What is the Cause of an Early Release? There are numerous causes to releasing the club early and failing to delay your impact position. The most common…

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