Fathers Day Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers of the world! Each year, we recognize the person who made a decision in their life to lead by example and influence the next generation in a first-hand way. It is easy to forget the contributions that Dad makes throughout your life because a lot of the time, Dad takes a back seat to you and what is important to you. It is the supporting role that Dad plays that allows you to be who you are, to think the way you do, and to be the person you want to be. Not all of us are able to spend today with Dad. Whether you live too far away, Dad is no longer with us, or Dad decided that maybe leading was not his forte, today is still a day to say “Thank You.” For those of you who do not have Dad with you today, I want to share my Dad with you. Dad, in a very unassuming and quiet way, has been the guiding force to my direction in life. For a long time, I did not know that. Dad provided unconditional support to me and my siblings as we grew up, sacrificing his desires and wants so we could achieve our dreams. He taught us there is a transition from dreams to achievements, as well as the planning needed to make the achievements happen. And all along the way, Dad has continued to provide support in every way,…