Club Face Direction

Golf Swing Feedback, John Hughes Golf, McLemore Golf Course,

Sometimes the information you need to improve as a golfer is staring you straight in the face. This information not only includes how the ball flies. But the other factual evidence that is right in front of you after making any swing. Whether playing McLemore Golf Course or anywhere else in the world, let’s call the evidence you discover after every swing, “golf swing feedback.” Understanding what golf swing feedback is and what it provides you can make a massive difference in your overall game. As well as determining how to refine existing practice habits. Or plan new practice routines into your personal improvement plan. To do so, you must know how to read and interpret golf swing feedback. And understand a simple priority system to do so.  That is what this blog post is all about. What is Golf Swing Feedback? Understand the definition of feedback first; information gained about your performance and used as a basis for improvement. Technology is driving the feedback bus the past 20+ years, with FlightScope and other ball flight platforms leading the way.  But the numbers this technology produces can be overwhelming to the hobbyist.  And if you can’t afford the technology, you’re back to square one. What is Golf Swing Feedback? Information In Front Of You There is absolute and factual evidence provided you with every swing golf swing you perform.  Forensic science this is not. But understanding the breadcrumbs left behind by each golf swing is what it takes to really…

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