Best Golf Season Ever

Best Golf Season, John Hughes Golf, Orlando Golf Lessons, Best Orlando Golf Schools, Best Orlando Junior Golf Lessons, Best Orlando Junior Golf Schools, Best Orlando Ladies Golf Lessons

Best Golf Season Ever?  Will 2014 be Your Best Golf Season? Your best golf season ever; when was that.  Or should we say, will 2014 will be your best golf season ever?  Your success in making 2014 your best golf season ever will come from your passion and your level of effort, which will allow you to accomplish the goal of making 2014 your best golf season ever. With today being Super Bowl Sunday, I wanted to share with you a quote from legendary coach, Vince Lombardi, which is most appropriate to live life by, yet alone to be the best you can be at any sport and succeed: “The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel – these are the things that will endure and these are the qualities that are so much more important than any of the events themselves.” In other words, the effort you put into being who you are on and off the golf course, added up over time and experience, is what will truly determine your success as a person first, golfer second. Think about this quote the next time do something for your family, or perform an everyday task at your place of employment. Are you using this philosophy when you practice, you play, or you evaluate your golf game? No matter what the task, give it everything you have in you to insure the outcome of your efforts provides the very best outcome possible for all those individuals who…

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