Are You Practicing Your What If’s

John Hughes Golf, Are You PRacticing Your What Ifs, Florida Golf Schools, Golf Schools ini Florida, Florida Golf School, Golf School in Florida, Orlando Golf School, Orlando Golf Schools, Golf Schools in Orlando, Golf School in Orlando

Are You Are You Practicing Your “What If’s”? Practice is only valuable if you are improving.  But improving includes more than just practicing with the absolute, most perfect conditions possible. Quite often, 犀利士 you’ll tend to practice from perfect conditions only.  Then when faced with a non-perfect condition on the golf course, you fail to perform.  Why? Because you failed to spend time practicing your “what If” shots you might face during any round of golf.  What if your ball lied in a divot? Or on the cart path? What if your ball was buried in the bunker? Are you practicing your what ifs? If not, it’s time you inconvenience yourself and practice these conditions, so you’re prepared when it happens on the golf course. What are “What If’s”? “What if’s” are conditions you face on the golf course that create irregular, awkward, and difficult situations lies and shots. “What If” conditions include tight lies, buried lies, the unexpected lies in leaves or pine straw, or the severe downhill lie you’ve never practiced. Do you think you’d be better prepared when playing golf and faced with that condition if you took 5-minutes during each practice session to focus on only one of these conditions? You bet your would! It’s the What If’s of your round that typically create the bigger scores on your score card. If you’re not prepared to play these inconvenient conditions, you’ll inevitably go about your decision-making process with less information then you need. And in turn,…

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