
John Hughes Golf, Preparing to Play Golf, Orlando Golf Lessons, Orlando Golf Schools, Orlando Beginner Golf Lessons, Hurricane Preparedness, Florida Golf Schools

I had some time on my hands the past few days due to Hurricane Dorian.  Golf Course is closed, High School Golf cancelled, and all home preparations are accomplished early.  With this extra time I began to realize efforts I’ve made the last 2 out of 3 years to prepare for and/or live through a hurricane do have similarities to me preparing to play golf. And not surprisingly, the positive outcomes I experienced from each event resemble each other, based upon my preparation. There’s a much different reason to prepare for a major storm than there is to preparing to play golf.  But you have to take each seriously to achieve success while staying optimistic as you prepare.  So with all due respect to everyone who has lived through a hurricane, here’s my take about how preparing for the worst can assist you with preparing to play golf at your best. Are You Preparing to Play Golf? The way you come out the other side of either event, playing a round of golf or living through a hurricane, is all about your preparation. Fail to prepare for a hurricane and you may end up homeless or worse. Fail to prepare for golf and you may end up with a huge score if not worse. What’s worse than a very large number on the scorecard? Losing your passion to play the game. But who’s fault is that? Yours! Preparing in the smallest of ways insures you are least ride out the…

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