3 Ways to Add Distance to Your Driver

3 Ways to Add Distance to Your Driver, John Hughes Golf, best golf instructors Orlando, 3 day golf schools florida

I’m often asked a very popular question by my clientele, by subscribers of Golf Tips Magazine, by golfers who are visiting during a 3-day golf schools in Florida, or when I’m out casually. The question? “John, how can I add distance to my driver?” I like to boil down the answer to this question into three categories. 3 ways to add distance to your driver.  And if you spend just an adequate amount of time within each category, you will lengthen every club in your bag. 3 Ways to Add Distance to Your Driver/Category #1 – Speed Increasing club head speed is the most popular and accepted of the 3 ways to add distance to your driver. But it’s not all about pure speed.  It’s about your fitness level and your ability to maintain the increased speed you’re generating. In most cases, golfers are better off going to a fitness center, hiring a personal trainer, and getting your body more pliable, sturdier, and more flexible. The more fit your body is, the less tense and tight you grab onto the club. And the less tense and tight you are, the more ability you must create speed where it’s necessary. At impact! And adding distance to your driver in this way is the best way to sustain speed. Doing what is needed away from the golf course is best. Adding Distance with Speed is a Separate Way of Training You can also create speed by using numerous different products. I love…

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