Should I Bring My Golf Clubs or Not?
Trying to decide if you want to bring your golf clubs with you on your next trip that includes flying to your destination? Airlines always seem to change their fees and restrictions about how they handle baggage and what they consider an “extra bag.” Golf Clubs tend to fall into the category of an extra bag much more often these days, creating the dilemma for both business and leisure travelers as to whether or not to bring their golf clubs on a trip that includes air travel.
As much as playing a great course with your own sticks eliminates any “excuses” about your score, traveling with you golf clubs is either a big pain or a welcome relief, depending upon the purpose and length of your excursion.
As all traveling golfers enter the fall travel season, here are some suggestions and hints that could possibly persuade you to bring golf clubs with you during your next trip.

Take your golf clubs when:
Your trip will last 3-days, more and you plan to play more than one round of golf – Traveling for 3-days, or more can often times lead to rental club fees far exceeding the cost and hassle of bringing your own golf clubs. Club rental fees at most high-end facilities can run from $50 to $125 a day. Yes, great facilities have great rental sets, but playing with a different set of golf clubs each day could take the enjoyment out of your experience. Add in the cost of items you did not pack (gloves, balls, shoes, tees, etc.) and you could blow your budget after day 1.
If you are traveling to one location – If your trip is to one destination and you will remain there the entire time, it makes sense to bring your own golf clubs. Having one destination eliminates any extra baggage fees for multiple flights, which could add up fast. And, you eliminate multiple rental club fees.
You want to play well – Let’s face it; some places you want to have your “A” game and other places you may choose to play for the sheer enjoyment. If you are looking to play well at a particular event, function, or location, there are no better golf clubs to use than your own.
You are want to learn to play better – Attending a golf school or golf clinic requires that you take your clubs, because learning with your own set of golf clubs is the absolute best way to engrain kinesthetic feedback. Rental clubs could have different specs, weights, and other factors but do not mimic the same feel as your clubs. Learning with a rental set that does not feel the same as yours, only forces you to relearn the same things when you get back home.

Leave your golf clubs at home when:
Your trip is two days or less or you plan to play only one round of golf – From an economic and hassle perspective, trips of two days or require you to drag your golf clubs everywhere you go. For less than the price of airline fees to handle your bag, you can rent a good set of name brand golf clubs and purchase just enough ancillary equipment to enjoy a relaxing day on the links.
Your trip includes multiple stops – $50 here; $75 there, adds up quick. By time you pay the fees for a two destination journey, you could have bought the new driver you have your eyes on.
Playing golf will be a last minute addition to the agenda – If there is a better than average possibility that golf will be an impulsive afternoon getaway within the getaway, you are better off renting clubs. Less hassle all the way around.