January Update
Happy New Year! Are you looking forward to a successful 2015? I certainly am and all the information in my January Update will hopefully allow you to do the same!
Beginning with this issue of my Monthly Updates, I will send each month’s Update through Email, with live links back to my website where you can find more information. The Update will then post to my blog the 5th of every month.
This is the biggest news that comes from my efforts in late 2014. Not 1, but 2 new facilities that will be hosting John Hughes Golf Programs.
West Orange Country Club

West Orange Country Club is a Private Equity Club established by its Membership in 1967. Located on the northern edge of Windermere, Florida and the southern edge of Winter Garden, Florida, West Orange Country Club is challenging Lloyd Clifton design with full amenities to serve its Members and Guests. I will be conducting my programs there as well as establishing new Player Development Programs for the Club and its Membership, as well as some other duties as the relationship matures.
Falcon’s Fire Golf Club

Along with my regular slate of instruction offerings, Falcon’s Fire Golf Club will serve as the host facility of my golf school programs, as well as future player development programs for the club and the local community. The Golf Club as well as wonderful hotel offerings are conveniently located near all the major attractions.
New Opportunities!
If 2 new facilities was not enough, I am happy to announce that in 2015, you can here me as a “Guest Coach” every 2nd Thursday of the month on Golf Talk Live. Host Ted Odorico has provide me an opportunity regularly contribute to the weekly “Coaches Corner” segment, where listeners can call in and ask questions of the panel of great golf Instructors. Be sure to mark your calendars, beginning March 12 @ 7PM Eastern.
I will also be serving as a featured contributor to Golf Tips Magazine, starting this month. Golf Tips is moving to a more digital media, and is partnering with one of my partners, MobiCoach, to provide its subscribers a Live Lesson platform. I will be serving as the Lead Instructor for this project, while providing written and video content to the publication. Have any ideas you want to see within Golf Tips Magazine? Let me know so I can schedule that in my calendar to cover for you. Look for this content to start emerging later this month.
Scotland in July

There are still a few spots remaining to go with me to Scotland this coming July. The date of the trip fits neatly between the Men’s British Open and the Women’s British Open, providing an outstanding opportunity to spend time in the home of golf, watching the greats play. Be sure to grab your spot in this fantastic golf learning excursion before pricing goes up. Click Here to learn more about the trip and register!
Golf Trivia
Dr. Gary Wiren, a good friend and one of golf’s leading historians, as well as an outstanding coach, submitted this piece of golf trivia.

Dr. Wiren recently paid a visit to an island between located in the straits between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron where he performed a clinic and charity dinner at the local golf club, Wawashkamo Golf Club. Cottage vacationers commissioned Alex B Smith to build Wawashkamo in 1898 and with a modest clubhouse to follow in 1907. The first American Indian chief to see golf played on the island while standing on a hill above the par five first hole named this activity, “Wawashkamo”, which means to walk a “crooked path,” which very well describes golf the way that most people experience it. The name stuck.
Be sure you are not “Wawashkamo’in” in 2015 by scheduling a lesson, coaching session, on-course instruction, or a golf school with me!
Monthly Drawing Winners
November’s winner of a Golf Coaching Session with me in Orlando is
Brendon Chase
December’s winner of a Golf Coaching Session with me in Orlando is
Jonathan Ortiz
Congratulations to you both! Please contact me to schedule your session with me.
PGA Show

The Annual PGA Merchandise Show comes back to Orlando January 21-23. If you have interest in attending as my guest, please let me know by January 15, so I can assist you with securing Show credentials.
Final Thoughts
First, I need your help in 2015, beginning with this Update. PLEASE SHARE my updates with friends, family, and other golfers you know. Forward this email to the people you know who wold be interested in sharpening their golf skills or just interested in golf. Also, PLEASE SHARE the Facebook posts and Tweets I post, to your entire social network. This past year, my posts that were shared through Social Networking resulted in more opportunities for me to improve more golfers, from all parts of the country. I am constructing an affinity program that will reward those who share my posts that lead to referrals and will be announcing that program within the next 30-days. I truly appreciate you SHARING the information, tips, and videos you receive.
And here is a challenge for everyone to consider and attempt to accomplish for 2015.
Some people look at the world with a glass that is 1/2-empty, while others view it as a glass 1/2-full. That is nature and we certainly do not want to upset nature’s delicate balance.
However, if you are a person in the 1/2-full camp, take some time in 2015 to not only fill the glass, but find the next size bigger glass to pour the contents of your glass into, before your glass reaches its brim. Doing so is exciting and rewarding beyond your expectations.
I hope you use 2015 as a launch platform to fully realize your potential with each experience you live through, find your next big glass to fill, and have the courage to fill it.
Wishing you a Great 2015!