4 Cornerstones of Golf Improvement

What's Your Golf Practice Plan for 2023, John Hghes Golf

The end of the year is fast approaching. And it’s time to start planning for 2023. Are you planning for what you want to achieve with your golf game in 2023? Do you want to improve your golf practice routine? Do you want to add more or less time to golf practice schedule? I’m sure you have a lot more questions to ask yourself.  Before attending one my 3-day golf schools in Florida, let’s help answer some of your questions. As you create your golf practice plan for 2023. The Time to Start Planning is NOW! Why procrastinate you’re planning for 2023 when you can do this now? Chances are, you’ll have a little bit of downtime between now and the beginning of next season. Why not use that downtime to create a plan that is holistic for your game and for your mind? Waiting until the last minute to create a golf practice plan normally results in a plan you’re not committed to. And the plan will include haphazardly thought-out goals that were impulsive at the time you wrote the goals down. And in turn, unrealistic for you to follow through with. It’s always best to start planning early so you can narrow down your choices as you get closer to the season. Choices about what skills to improve. As well as how much time you’ll need to achieve your golf practice schedule goals.  It’s always best to think things through and make choices based upon what you can…

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